
Monday, December 07, 2009

Sea Bird Nest Roselle Salad & Jelly ~ Colon Detox

In the nutritionist studies pointed out that Roselle (Roselle Hibiscus Sabdariffa) including of rich Anthocyanidin that is one kind of flavonoid (called as Vitamin P) that is any of a large group of phyto-nutrients that are water-souble red pigments, considered to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Also called Bioflovonoid, which has the strong oxidation resistance function, the right amount is edible to improve blood capillary’s tenacity, it can slow down the Angiosclerosis (hardening of the walls of blood vessels) and prevention cardiovascular illness, also anticancer treatment. It strengthens the nerve ending trans-location and improve blood circulation gives the brilliance and ruddiness complexion to human skin as good source of natural skincare to women.

Today something good to try by using Roselle Hibiscus Sabdariffa + Eucheuma Seaweed (Sea Bird Nest or San Huo Cao) in combination for colon and skin health.

Although the Roselle is considered as healthy stuff to our human body but due to its nature is cold. Therefore for “Yin” deficiency people is not suitable to take it excessively. Excessive consumption may also caused bothersome thirsty. Try in moderation for everything even it claims to be good.

Simply for the tasty and healthy conscious reason, to improve the skin texture and complexion, use of main ingredients by taking raw Eucheuma Seaweed, to combine with Roselle makes delicious and healthy salad, or making into dessert by adding basil seeds, also named as Tukmaria Seed or Kiwi Seed. This is one of the best to ease the constipation problem, gives your colon detoxify once a while, make you feel more energetic and having radiance complexion is quite easy.

The benefits of Tukmaria or Basil Seed

• Tukmaria or Basil seed in traditional medicinal used for autoimmune disorder, treatment of constipation, ingestion or bloating feeling and heartburn.

• It is a good cleanser to colon and removes all the toxin from human body. It has antibiotic effect to eliminating bacteria from the colon and is a good blood purifier.

Roselle Kiwi Seed with Sea Bird Nest (Eucheuma Seaweed or San Huo Cao)


  • 1 bowl of Eucheuma Seaweed (Sea Bird Nest)
  • 1 bowl of Fresh Roselle Hibiscus calyces
  • 2 Rock sugar
  • 1 tbsp. of Wolfberries
  • 2 tbsp. of Basil Seed (tukmaria Seed)
  • 1000ml of water
*(serve 6 containers)


1. Blend Eucheuma Seaweed (San Huo cao or sea bird nest) in creamy form.

2. Set aside and ready to use.

3. Soak Basil Seed in a glass of water for 10 minutes or till spongy like and grey coating jelly like surrounded each seed. Drain water away and set aside.


1. Peel Roselle calyces and remove the seeds. Wash thoroughly.

2. Bring water to boil and add in Roselle calyces to cook for 15 mins.

3. Use strainer to remove the Roselle Calyces and keep the water only.

4. Do not throw away the cooked Roselle Calyces; use it for making homemade Roselle Jams.

5. Use the Roselle water to cook the wolfberries and rock sugar.

6. Add in Blended Eucheuma Seaweed (San Huo cao) to cook till dissolve with low heat.

7. Remove from heat and add in soaked Basil Seed and stir well.

8. Pour into the Jelly mould or container with lid. Let is set and keep in refrigerator and serve cold.

9. The taste of sweet sour healthy dessert. Enjoy it.

This recipe is good for serious constipation people, reduce of body heat, skin problems and improve skin texture and elasticity, lower cholesterol, and ingestion disorder and for detoxify.

Most important, this is good for digestion to take it after heavy meal.

Eucheuma Seaweed or Sea Bird Nest Benefits:

• For Eucheuma Seaweed health benefits please refer to here.

I found Eucheuma Seaweed ~ San Huo Cao also we called it Sea Bird Nest is a wonderful detoxify stuff. As we know something from the sea naturally like Eucheuma Seaweed can improve the stomach and colon problems. Especially to those with constipation and poor digestion that may also causes skin problem e.g acne, pimples, pigmentation and brown spots to our skin.

It is especially good for skin, as vegetarian diet and daily fiber diet intake. It grows naturally and contains no artificial fertilizer or chemical. With contain necessary amino acids, non caloric, super low-fat and multi-fibre functions, contents of soluble fibre are very high and the active substances, its polar soluble fibre will adjust insulin to keep blood sugar’s balance and prevent from the diabetes caused by hyperglycemia. It also eliminates free radical efficiently for detoxify body organs and activate cell tissues for metabolism and anti-aging.

Instead of buying expensive bird nest, use Eucheuma seaweed to cook or serve as salad for beauty skin and mainly it keeps us in good health too. It is simply delicious.

Sea Bird Nest Roselle Detox Salad


Raw Ingredients A:

  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 bowl of Roselle Calyces
  • 1 Bowl of Eucheuma Seaweed (Sea Bird Nest)
  • 1 small bowl of cooked Corn
  • 3 - 4 Shallots (chopped)

Seasoning Ingredients B:

  • 1 tbsp. of salt
  • 2 tbsp. of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. of Soy sauce
  • Lime Honey Vinegar (homemade Enzyme) 1/2 bowl
  • 1/2 of Lemon (Squeeze Juice)


1. Soak and Wash Eucheuma Seaweed (Sea Bird Nest) thoroughly, keep changing water several times daily and soak for at least 3 days.

2. Peel and wash Roselle Calyces, remove the seed. Wash thoroughly and soak with salt water for 15 mins. Then drain the water and Set aside.

3. Cut cucumber into thin slices. Soak in salt water for 15 mins. Drain dry and set aside.

4. Chop shallots into smaller slices.


1. Pour all the Raw ingredients A into salad bowl.
2. Add in seasoning ingredients B and mixed well.
3. Done and keep in refrigerator and serve cold.

Let's have a refreshing cleanse and detoxifies with Roselle and Eucheuma Seaweed Enzyme Vinegar Salad. Keep your colon in healthy condition always to prevent colon illnesses.

Roselle ~ Luo Shen Hua Beverage and Jams

In Southeast Asia countries, the Roselle (Roselle Hibiscus Sabdariffa) named in Chinese known as 洛神花 (Luo Shen Hua) is regarded as medicinal plant use as herbal infusion. It is very common in making delicious and healthy soup, Jelly, sweet pickle and homemade Jams.

In recent years the Chinese medicine researches that it had the anti-hypertension besides the preliminary confirmation Roselle is widely used, in folk medicine it has associated with traditional medicine as:

  • Blood purifier as well as a diuretic, treat urinary tract infection,
  • To improve of constipation as it has mild laxative,
  • Can also reduce the blood fat and blood triglyceride effectively,
  • For several diseases such as hypertension and improve blood circulation,
  • Help digestion and improve digestive tract absorption,
  • Anti-aging by suppress free radical activity
  • Treat cardiac and nerve diseases and cancer.
  • Treat the liver disease, regarding suppressed cancer,
  • Adjust the feminine physiological menstrual cycle,
  • In cosmetology maintenance used as skincare
  • Healthy beverage and herbal tea with good effect for weight loss
  • Whets the appetite, cooling and relieves thirst effect.

Roselle (Luo Shen Hua) is rich in vitamin C and its calyces are made into healthy food and beverage, the red pigment of Roselle which contain of crystalline anthocyanins, hibicin as well as protocatechuic acid. The Roselle extract contains the oxidation inhibitor ingredients and the Polyhenols has oxidation resistance in majority by suppress low density lipoprotein to prevent oxidation in our body.

Commonly the fruit is taking fresh, decore them, and then dry the Roselle calyces used as beverage and herbs tea. It can also process into sweet pickle, salad and fruit jams.

Now it has also commonly used to make into enzyme or vinegar as healthy drink in Asia. Frequently drinking the Roselle herbs tea or beverage may achieve the health care effect.

Roselle herbs tea or beverage


  • Peel Roselle Calyces and remove the seeds. Wash thoroughly.


  • Roselle Calyces – 2 bowl
  • Rock sugar (depends on individual taste)
  • 500 ml of water

Simply cook the Roselle Calyces with water and add in rock sugar to taste.

The health benefits of taking Roselle as drink or herbs tea, its reduce high blood pressure by lowering the high levels of LDL cholesterol to protect and against heart disease.

The recommended dosage about 10 grams in the dried flower tea form once or twice a day.

Healthy homemade Roselle Jams

Usually after cooking of Roselle extract, I used the cooked Roselle Calyces to do homemade healthy jams. Simple as that and do not waste good thing.


  • Cooked Roselle Calyces - 1 bowl
  • 1/2 cup of Roselle extract
  • Honey 1 tbsp.
  • Maltose 2 tbsp.
  • Brown sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Lime Juice 1 tbsp.


1. Blend cooked Roselle Calyces into creamy form.
2. Squeeze lime juice and set aside.


1. Add Roselle extract and blended Roselle Calyces in pot and cook with low heat for 15 mins.

2. Add in honey, maltose and lime juice. Stir and mixed well and continue cooking till dry into jams form.

3. Remove from heat. Keep aside and till cool. Place them into the Jam container and keep in fridge.

Done and enjoy it!

to be continued...