
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Snake Berries

Snake Berries / Indian Mockstrawberries

Snake berry also known as Indian Mockstrawberry, in the same family of the Rosaceae plant, it is a perennial herb and fleshy fruit is round in shape looks like strawberry.

It is a medicinal herb as in TCM. Snake berry is a wild berry. It plays a good role for abscess treatment and works like febrifuge herb for treating of fever, it helps to alleviate heat and cooling blood with great detoxification purposes.

2013 Year End in Review, My Pets . My Herb Garden

Brand new year 2014 is coming up ahead. Another week or more. Have a look at my year 2013 in review on my Simply Senz blog. Oh dear, only 5 posts so far. LOL..what a shame. I have a good excuses to say "I am busy". But not.

Actually I have adopted 2 puppies since January 2013. Both are mixed-breed puppies of Shih Tzu Poodle and Shih Tzu Pekingese, surprisingly both puppies are on a vegetarian diet.

My pets ~ Lara (female) and Milo (male) in snapshot.