
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Longjing Green Tea Barley Red Date Detoxify Soup

Most people commonly cooking Barley water is simple home remedy for cleansing, support and nourishing of kidney, and for bladder ailments and urinary infections, diarrhea, and coughing. 

Barley has very good source of  fibre, selenium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. An important part of the Selenium is our body essential component, the value of the at least 52% of selenium can be obtained in a cup of cooked barley, regularly drinking barely water can help to boost the metabolic pathway e.g thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense and immunity functions.

We also know the benefits of drinking Chinese Tea, especially the green tea of Longjing 龙井茶and the Oolong Tea 乌龙茶 is somewhere between green and black in oxidation. Which have the antioxidant effect and increases metabolic rate and fat oxidation. To help melt away body fat, as well as activate certain enzymes and controlling the deposition of triglyceride.

Longjing tea or Chinese name as Dragon Well 龙井茶 is green tea from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province of china. It's a gentle rich and pure aroma tea contains of amino acids, Vitamin C and highest catechins among teas. Chinese Tea especially Longjing green tea contains tea polyphenols (catechins) that help in weigh lost. Oolong Tea also works wonderful as to drink away pounds for burning body fatty tissue. As it helps in clarify skin also fight against signs of aging, plus it is great detoxifying tea with highly antioxidant effect. It strengthens body immunity system too. 

I choose Longjing Green Tea for this recipe.This creates a concoction for a specific ailment in this recipe, which is to cook the barley powder and red dates paste into soup, stews and infused Longjing tea to combine into the Barley Red date soup. With the little bit of aroma taste of tea, adding green tea to this Barley drink that cook with red dates is a wonderful antioxidant and detoxify drink for the hot weather.

Red dates give sweet flavor and warming effect to help in enhances and harmonizes for cooking with other herbs. It also helps in promoting good health in lungs, heart and nourishing the spleen and stomach as well. A great refreshing, and has the effect of anticancer and wonder detoxifying soup. This produces a cooling drink with diuretic, digestive aid and mild soothing effect.

For easy preparation, you can use ready made Barley Powder and Green Tea Powder selling in the health food store. I found that finely grinding the barely into powder form not only reduce the cooking time, reduces time to stay in the digestive tracts for digestion, it also benefits body absorbing and good for digestive tracts problem people.


  • Barley - 2 tbsp.
  • 15 Red Dates
  • Rock Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Green tea – Longjing tea 1 teaspoon
  • 500 ml of water

You can replace with Ready made barley powder and green tea powder for this recipe.


1. Brew Longjing Tea by using infusion, steeped 3–4 minutes and keep the tea water for use. Or can also use Green Tea Powder with lime taste refreshing for this recipe.


1. Wash barley, drain away the water, air dry, ready for use.

2. Wash Red dates and soaks in water for 15 minutes. Drain dry


3. Blend the Barley into powder form.

4. Blend Red Dates into paste form

5. Bring water to boil, add in barley powder and red dates paste to cook for at least half an hour.

6. Add in green tea powder or Longjing green tea continue with low heat cooking for 3 minutes.

7. Add in rock sugar and serve warm. 


A refreshing dessert soup simply good for burning body fat; clarify your skin complexion for a radiant glow, help to boost energy and strengthens your immune system, detoxifying your spleen, stomach and nourishing your kidney. 

The best time to consume it in the morning. Just like taking a cereal grain for breakfast. This gives your intestinal health a healthy boost for healthy colon to prevent risk of colon cancer, it also has the effect of lower cholesterol, and it regulates blood sugar and barley grain contain of good source of fibre. 

Enjoy it!


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  3. thanks Wellness, hopefully I can write more. Have a nice day.

  4. can the red dates be omitted in this recipe as i don take it?

  5. Delia, You can omit the red dates but the taste and effect will change. Red date helps to boost the blood circulation and good for liver health too.


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