
Friday, September 03, 2010

Sea Bird Nest Orange Pudding

Sea Bird Nest in an orange. Have you ever tried Orange + Kamquat + Sea Bird Nest before? What if the orange comes with nutritious Sea Bird Nest, a refreshing Orange Kamquat mixed with Sea Bird Nest give you a low carb citrus delicious pudding dessert. (Know more about Sea Bird Nest ~ Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed here)

Let’s start doing it:


  • 3 large Sunkist Oranges
  • 3 Kamquat (Kit Chai)
  • 1 bowl of soaked Sea Bird Nest (about 300g)
  • 100 ml of Pure Orange syrup
  • 2 tablespoon of rock sugar
  • 800ml of water


Sea Bird Nest

1. Wash Sea bird Nest in running water and soak it in a big bowl. Soak in water for about 3 to 4 hours.
2. Keep changing water for at least 4 to 5 times within the interval of 3 hours. Till it turns soft and expanded in shape.
3. After 3 hours of soaking, rinse with clean water, drain dry Sea Bird Nest.
4. Blends Sea Bird Nest with Juice Blender into fine paste form. 


1. Slide the orange into half.
2. Scoop out the orange flesh. Keep it in a bowl.
3. Keep the skin of orange to be used as Jelly Mould later.
4. Blend the orange flesh into juice.

Kamquat (Kit Chai)

1. Use the Juice blender to bend the Kamquat (kit chai) with skin. Keep aside for use.

Note: Kamquat peel gives the aroma of the fruit and it contains of essential oil and limonene.


1. Place water to boil.
2. Add in blended Sea Bird Nest and rock sugar till dissolved.
3. Pour in orange juice and kumquat juice, stir slowly till well mixed.
4. Cook for about 5 minutes.
5. Remove from heat. Spoon in the Orange Sea Bird Nest Pudding into the Orange Skin to let it set.
6. When cold keep in refrigerator. Chill and serve.


Plain sea bird nest (without flavor) can be cooked and keep in container to set into jelly form. keep it in the refrigerator.

For Hi-Fiber Fruit Blend:
Every morning take 1 big spoon full and add into your flavor fruit juices. It is really good for morning fruit juice flush, high fiber contains and helps in digestion and weight lost program. (If you can tolerate with raw taste of sea bird nest, it is much better in keeping its nutrients and enzymes content.)

For Cooking:
• A tablespoon of plain Sea Bird nest Jelly (cooked and set) can be used to thickening a broth in cooking, instead of using corn flour or starch. It gives valued nutrients to your dishes. 

Hope you can try it yourself and enjoy ! Simply Healthy dessert for you....


  1. Hi Senny,I am from Singapore, happen to drop by your blog and find so useful and interesting. Especially those healing recipes, e.g. Sabah Snake Grass & also the Coral Seaweeds. However it is very hard to find such stuffs in Singapore. Understand from your blog, there is SSG tea bag in M'sia. I would much appreciate if you could give me some info how could I buy the Coral Seaweeds & SSG from M'sia. We only have those in block with rock sugar to make into jelly.
    Thank you very much and hope to receive your reply.


  2. Dear Senny, can i blend all the ingredients together cos i have a blender that can blend and cook in it.


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