
Saturday, February 26, 2011

My first DSLR Camera ~ My passion

I am quite happy that I bought my first Nikon D3100 DSLR Digital Camera, and attended my very first basic workshop organized by NIKON earlier this year 2011.

To be frank; all the while I have been using  my old camera with auto-focus compact BenQ DC C740 7megapixel Digital camera for my blog photos. This camera is easily handle anyway, it is handy.

And I always wish I can presenting my photos with a professional standard a little bit for all my blog topics. Yet without the good tool in hand, guess I really have to invest one good camera after all. 

Till then, at last I had my first Nikon DSLR digital camera, right here I want to thanks for given me such a wonderful camera. For which to my surprise that this camera is actually exchanged from my services rendered to my client, and given at very reasonable cheapest price to me. I really appreciated her and the most wonderful thing of this camera come with a very good theory and practical basic workshop for beginners like me, without the knowledge of how to operate this camera, now I learned with some simple knowledge, with full used of this new toy of mine.

While my passion is still stirring hot yet I have the determination in learning new things. Even though I have busy schedule in work and doing all the researches works, thus, time is quite limited to me to pick up another new hobby. But anyway, I decided and straight forward to my aim and achieved it. Guess that’s all I can do. Now I am give myself a good "Start:"....

This Nikon D3100 is an ultra light weigh and small DSLR camera, with reasonable price; I am not going to write about the camera review as I am not really good in camera anyway. But at least I know the technical specifications and how to use the shooting modes with exposure control like digital Vari-Program, Shutter-Priority, Aperture Priority and so on,  not just using the common method of program shooting only after the basic workshop. 

Let’s see the after theory in learning on how to use this DSLR camera, we did the practical shooting, my first test shoot with a pretty model that standby for us, and we learned how to capture the nice photo with beautiful girl. So far, my standard is still far behind. 

Look at those professional camera men and women in preparation for shooting...

This is my first shooting experience and I guess I am a bit of panic and simply shoot and shoot…LOL. 

My test shoot......2

 And 3.....

The photography in shooting session and know how to capture the good quality photo, I am still lacking of experiences in handling it. Still need more time to learn and shoot more regularly. Hopefully I can handle my Nikon D3100 camera easily and professionally to make my blog more interesting to readers in future. I will try my best to keep up with this and I promise myself. 

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