
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life is a Journey

I believe we all come to this world to learn . As we live, we experienced things so we learned. We learned through experienced and obstacles then we'll continue carry on our life. 

Life is sometimes in ways we would least expect! With trials and tribulations of such journeys we faced. 

Life seemed like a bubble.... Bubbles easily burst. It looks beautiful, floating in the air and It's so unstable and fragile to break.

Life is also like an onion...every layer you peel weep.

To remain sense of peace and well-being, to feed our body and soul in healthy way....To survive independently, Life is just a journey, not a destiny, just a path for what we have to work on real hard to live on, to sacrifice, to where we find our fulfillment and happiness for what life would be...just let it be....the outcome, what will happen, live a day for ourselves is just a daily unfolding process.

Now as long as I have my faith, the courage to live on, move on, to continue my journey in learning what is life all about....and I wish I can take it easy to where I wanna be. To where I belong. 

Right here I also hope those cancer survivors, and unfortunate one who really struggling hard to live, it is a matter of just give a chance to yourself, and thus, have faith in yourself and take things easily and meaningfully.....that's what I always tell the life and stay strong.

Quote of life:

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein


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