
Friday, November 30, 2012

Useful Herbs Garden and Creative Landscape Design

It was a truly enlightening way to have your own herbs garden at backyard and creating some beautiful landscape as well. That was my sister and friend brought me to a wonderful place lately near Penampang Apartments. 

Regardless of making use of backyard land, and evolved from empty spaces into beautiful scenery of herbs garden and landscaping gardening is not an easy job. 

These two owners really making efforts and great ideas to make it clean and tidy with creative garden and beautiful landscaping at their backyard, as well as planting lots of herbal plant.

I found there are different species of fig tree.

Local Fig species

 Imported Fig species

Locally planted red date (Jujube) trees also found there with plenty of fruits hanging around.

Surprisingly that there are many grapes hanging on the vines and wrap around the fence. This inspires me that we can also plant grapes in Malaysia. 


 Mulberry tree

 ....and anti-cancer herbs growing there. This is what I found and took the photo of it. 

The most simple method of treatment of hemorrhoids piles. 

Chinese Name: 四方藤, Sì Fānɡ Ténɡ in chinese pinyin

Scientific name: Cissus pteroclada Hayata, Cissus pteroclada 

English name: Treebine Stem (it is like a cactus, like a vine stems.)

Meridian channel through liver. 

Mainly used as alternative herb for Rheumatism and joint pain, muscle strain or injured tendons. 

There are an alternative healing with simple way to treat hemorrhoids pile.

Cut about 2 to 3 inches in length of Treebine Stem,四方藤, Sì Fānɡ Ténɡ, cleaned the vain, peeled skin and chopped into fine slices, take it raw with water, avoid touching the lips as it may encounter some uncomfortable feeling like taking pineapple. (can also taken together with small slice of papaya fruit for easy consumption).

Continue taking it twice a day after meal, for 2 to 3 weeks till the hemorrhoids shrink in size and disappear. 

Caution Disclaimer:
Please note that this home remedies, traditional medicinal herbs usage are not alternatives for medicine. Although home remedies, alternative healing, natural healing or any alternative health articles are natural, all information I presented here is based on traditional usage and collected for informational purposes only. Results may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For severe illnesses, do not cease taking any prescribed medications. It is recommended that you must consult or seek your physician’s advice before starting any alternative healing with home remedies or herbs with caution.

Last but not least, I really enjoying this mini creative garden landscaping design and herbs garden, I can see some nice signboards hanging every corner. 



 Father and Daughter Garden dolls at the front door view. Enjoying this !! :)

My thank you note to the garden owners:

It's my pleasure to have this opportunity to visit this beautiful garden. Thank you so much to the owners for the warm, courtesy invitation and allowed me to take some photos from your beautiful garden, plus free herbs plant some more during my herbal tour. I really enjoying it ! 

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