
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hooray...Disable of Infringing copyright contents

After waiting for 3 months regarding the infringing of my blog contents and photographs by someone. So I filed a complaint form to Google and by DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) for removal of my copyrighted blog contents and photographs by the particular person.

In fact, they took necessary action promptly without any delay. My complaint form is sent for investigation and legal request on earlier Dec, right after on the 9th Dec 2013 they replied me in the manner of due to many of such complaints daily. For which it was in queue for them to investigate the request.

They sent me an email:


Re: [2-2954000002438] Your Request to Google


Thanks for reaching out to us!
We have received your legal request. We receive many such complaints each day; your message is in our queue, and we'll get to it as quickly as our workload permits.

Due to the large volume of requests that we experience, please note that we will only be able to provide you with a response if we determine your request may be a valid and actionable legal complaint, and we may respond with questions or requests for clarification. For more information on Google's Terms of Service, please visit

We appreciate your patience as we investigate your request.

The Google Team


Hooray...Finally, my request to Google for removal of my copyrighted contents and photographs has successfully disable access of the content by them promptly. With the prompt replied by them as shown below:



In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have completed processing your infringement notice.

We are in the process of disabling access to the content in question at the following URL(s):

The content will be removed shortly. Please let us know if we can assist you further. If you would like to file additional requests, we ask that you contact us by using the online forms at: as we do not accept add-on requests.

The Google Team


Hopefully any in relation of copyright infringement issues shall not be happening again to my blog. In identify of copyright works and moral issue, infringing of copyrighted contents is real bad. I am generally more concerned about the "Fair use and request to have a link back the URL of my blog" I would be much appreciated.

Happy Reading.....

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