
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Snake Berries

Snake Berries / Indian Mockstrawberries

Snake berry also known as Indian Mockstrawberry, in the same family of the Rosaceae plant, it is a perennial herb and fleshy fruit is round in shape looks like strawberry.

It is a medicinal herb as in TCM. Snake berry is a wild berry. It plays a good role for abscess treatment and works like febrifuge herb for treating of fever, it helps to alleviate heat and cooling blood with great detoxification purposes.

2013 Year End in Review, My Pets . My Herb Garden

Brand new year 2014 is coming up ahead. Another week or more. Have a look at my year 2013 in review on my Simply Senz blog. Oh dear, only 5 posts so far. LOL..what a shame. I have a good excuses to say "I am busy". But not.

Actually I have adopted 2 puppies since January 2013. Both are mixed-breed puppies of Shih Tzu Poodle and Shih Tzu Pekingese, surprisingly both puppies are on a vegetarian diet.

My pets ~ Lara (female) and Milo (male) in snapshot.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hooray...Disable of Infringing copyright contents

After waiting for 3 months regarding the infringing of my blog contents and photographs by someone. So I filed a complaint form to Google and by DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) for removal of my copyrighted blog contents and photographs by the particular person.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Someone Stolen My Blog Content Again

After quite a while, I know I was not updating new articles for my Simply Senz blog. Right here, I wanted to say this blog and my hard works is stolen by someone last year, and finally she had removed and closed her blog after I filed a complaint to Google by warning.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Agriculture and Aquaculture Newsletter June 2013 Quaterly

Agriculture and Aquaculture Newsletter June 2013 Quarterly

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Natural Sea Bird Nest Capsules

 Sea Bird Nest Capsules (90 capsules)

The Natural Organic Edible Skincare From The Sea!

Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed,also known as "Sea Bird Nest", in chinese name as 海燕窝 "Hai Yan Wo"

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Rabbit Milkweed Xiao Jin Ying ~ Anti-cancer Herb

Rabbit Milkweed is the best feed food for rabbits. That is how its name from I guess. It looks quite similar to Dandelion, but this is not dandelion, don't make a mistake, there is a lot of its efficacy and detoxification quite similarly as Dandelion, but it is a different species of Asteraceae plants. 

Chinese name: Xia Jin Yin “小金英” or Tu Er Cai “兔耳菜”

English name: Rabbit milkweed

Scientific name: Ixeris chinensis