In search of more herbal remedies, and to know more about the herbs, I usually visit the herbs plant nursery. Some of the herbal gardener or owner near me, they are quite helpful in recommending some useful folk prescription herbs to me.
I have been looking for several herbs for those allergic nasal problems, nose congestion, running nose, acute and chronic Rhinitis or hay fever. Rhinitis syndrome usually has mucus is dripping out of the back of the nose, and it makes the throat irritation and causes coughing.
Actually this herb grow quite well in pot that I planted for quite some time. Perhaps many know its effect in natural remedies of this medicinal plant, this herb is an anticancer medicinal plant, also antitoxin, stop bleeding and cleanse the impurities in the blood. It helps to cool the internal heat and detoxify the body. To be possible it moistens lungs, treating liver cancer, lungs cancer (pneumonia), pharyngeal cancer, help to relieve cough and nasal problems.
This herb has a unique Chinese name for it. It is known as “Shi Shang Bo” 石上柏or Pian Bo 扁柏. Scientific name as Selaginella Doederleinii Hieron, common name Selaginella, from the family species of Selaginellaceae. It is a fern plant and looks like chicken claw.
Its nature is sweet, acrid, bitter and cold, its meridian channel to stomach, lungs and liver, and it can be used internally as alternative herbal drink to disperse dampness heat, commonly used to treat throat, nose, liver and jaundice type of illnesses. Externally used to stop bleed and wound healing purposes as known.
From what I had researched online, this medicinal plant is already widely used in China as in dried herb and in capsules form to cure various illnesses, and treating tumor and cancer. Most used in Malaysia for alleviate of nasal problem and treating nose cancer.
To clearing heat and detoxification, it’s an anticancer herb, to relieve lungs congestion and mainly with Antineoplastic action for treating Lung cancer, liver cancer, pharyngeal cancer, acute and chronic rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis or tonsil inflammation, oppressed breathing and copious phlegm, restraining hematischesis. Malignant Chorionepithelioma of the uterus, pharynx / larynx swollen and pain, lungs heat cough, pneumonia, Nasopharynx like sinusitis, pharynx and larynx is swollen and painful, lung heat cough, external disease factors, pneumonia, live heat, acute icteric hepatitis B, acute cholecystitus (in gallbladder), cirrhosis of the liver, urinary tract infection cause by damp heat.
Doses and Usage:
Use of dried whole plant or raw herbs, the usage is to use the entire herb approximately 15~30 grams, it can be added with or without red jujube or red dates. Some preferred to cook with lean meat as culinary herbal soup or herbal broth. Added with lean meat is nourishes yin and help to boost blood. Especially to anti-tumor cases, continue drinking this herb drink for 1-2 times a day, and it has had its inhibitory action.
Pian Po herbal – 20 gramsHoney Rock Sugar (Shi Feng Tang)
Red Dates (Optional)
· Clean and wash the herbs in runing water
· Boil water, add in herbs and red dates (optional) to cook for at least 2 hours. (for raw herb).
· Remove herbs, add in honey rock sugar (honeycomb type)
· Serve warm.
This soup added with honey rock sugar has clearing heat, treating cough and detoxification effect, to invigorate the blood and blood stasis you can add red dates to it. It is suitable on own initiative in treating pharyngeal cancer, nasal mucus with blood, simple cooling herbs drink for headache, smooth and regulate the bowel movement.
· When using raw herbs in decoctions, this herbs cooking period for at least 2 to 4 hours.
· Do not overdoses, suitable doses: 15 – 30 grams.
· Only to be taken for real damp-heat problem or when needed.
According to these symptoms like nasal congestion and sinusitis, chronic rhinitis in meridian system, to treat nasal problem, first is to strengthen the spleen and stomach, large intestine and lungs meridian. When stomach and spleen meridian is weakening, dysfunction of spleen meridian cause phlegm and mucus stored in lung. It affects the lung meridian. As the lung meridian and large intestine are in pair meridian. Its opening is to the nose. Coughing and nasal problem is the primary symptoms.
Spleen (Yin) and Stomach (Yang) meridian, these two meridian is in paired and correspond to the earth element, earth element is stillness, usually the nasal syndromes and asthmatic problem is due to phlegm-damp condition, phlegm damp-heat can obstructing the nasal passages, damp heat also can cause difficulty in urination and scanty urination, combining with the damp resolving food to disperse the dampness, is to eat pungent flavors, pungent foods normally are bitter, acrid and sharp in taste. Adding to your daily diet like Onion, garlic, ginger, peppermint, mustard , wasabi , pepper etc...to increase stimulation of circulation system, moving Qi, invigorating the blood and it will nourishes the lung, help in dispersing, cleanse and get rid of the dampness in the body.
What causes the dampness heat to the stomach and spleen? I notice to those who like to eat sweetening foods has more tendency to create damp-heat to the stomach. Likewise, eating too much of flour products like pasta, crackers and bread can cause stagnation and dampness to the spleen, and it will affect the transforming of fluids and food nutrients, this eventually creates more mucus and dampness to the stomach and spleen, this pathogenic factor will then lead to the formation of damp-heat, that’s how the mucus and phlegm heat is produced. And causes the nasal problem like sinusitis, irregular of menstruation cycle, and stomach bloating, other than that, irregular eating and too much of snacking also the main reason for that.
Alternative home remedies for nasal problem.
The simple way to relief the mucus and phlegm, sinus and reduce of cough with this home remedies, use of the raw onions slices soaking in apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Onion is pungent food, simply taking it as raw salad regularly, as the onion and vinegar or apple cider vinegar has the anti-inflammation effect and powerful anti-bacterial properties, and help to thin the mucus and loosen the phlegm from the nasal cavities.
1 onions
½ cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar (optional)
* I prefer to use Honey cider vinegar.
1. Peel Onion and cut into thin slices
2. Add in salt to let set aside for 15 minutes.
3. After 15 minutes, add in Honey cider vinegar (1/2 cup)
4. If use white vinegar, add ½ tsp of sugar to add taste. (Optional)
5. Let it marinade for 15 minutes.
6. Remove Onion slices form the marinade honey cider. Serve it as salad.
7. The remaining used Honey cider. Keep in refrigerator. Or take approximate 2 tbsp. of it and mixed with warm water, drink it.
* This helps to relieve of thick phlegm or mucus. For severe hay fever case, to ward off you can add a little bit of ginger juice to it.
* Try to take it regularly and this home remedy is really effective.
* Simple home remedies for improving the respiratory function.
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