It helps in the optimum functioning of your thyroid gland along with aiding in blood formation. Aid in decreasing cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar and also help in keeping your digestive system in good health. Improves black, shiny and healthy hair by its consumption.
This helps in keeping your skin glows and radiant. Also have a beneficial role as they help detoxify the body, improve circulation and keep your body slim, hair and skin in healthy condition. You are kept disease free and health especially good for women.
Seaweed Pickle preparations:
Dried Seeweed - 10 g
Green onion cut into small pieces
Parsley cut into small pieces
Ingredient B For Seasoning:
Apple cider Vinegar with honey - 1/2 cup
Liquid Aminos or light soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
Sesame oil - 1 tablespoon, also can add sesame seeds to it.
Salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
sugar - 1 teaspoon (optional)
The preparation:
1. Soak dried seaweed in cold water (approx. 5 - 10 mins) warm water (approx. 3-5 mins).
(I prefer to soak in cold water as it's much crispy and tender.)