I bought a small shrub tree from the herbalist here, with the hard-shell gourds that I called it as "Giant Lo Han Guo" in my previous blog (link here). This Giant Lo Han Guo to me is a miracle medicinal healing herb plant that I took it as my lymph nodes detoxification fruit for many years.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Detox Fruit ~ Calabash Gourd Herbal Cure
I bought a small shrub tree from the herbalist here, with the hard-shell gourds that I called it as "Giant Lo Han Guo" in my previous blog (link here). This Giant Lo Han Guo to me is a miracle medicinal healing herb plant that I took it as my lymph nodes detoxification fruit for many years.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Night Fragrant Jasmine Sea Bird Nest for Sluggish Liver
Here I come....another Simply Senz's Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed ~ Sea Bird Nest recipe for today's blog. After my long holidays in Johor Bahru, it's really a tiresome trip and then busy for the past few weeks....Now back to normal routine, and once again, I think I need something to unwind myself, and this is my refreshing Senz's Sea Bird Nest dessert of the day.....
For this time I am using the traditional medicinal plant of Night Blooming Jasmine Flowers to cook with Sea Bird Nest. Something fragrant and refreshing, to unwind, it’s cooling and full of natural healing properties with it.
As usual, when making my Sea Bird Nest recipe into dessert soup, naturally I think of Red Dates, Goji, Lo Han Gou and Dried Longan fruit. I like the natural mixture taste not just because of the taste help to cover the fishy smell of the Sea Bird Nest, it also give the warming and energizing effect in balance of Yin and Yang.
Adding fresh flora is the best choice in natural healing ingredient. Not other option, as this time, added fresh aromatic Night fragrant Jasmine Flora into Sea Bird Nest herbal soup is “the center of the attraction” of this dessert.
What is Night fragrant Jasmine flowers
- Scientific name: Pakalana Vine, Telosma cordata
- English Name: Night fragrant Jasmine
- Chinese Name: Ye Xiang Hua 夜香花
- From: Native west India.
- Its nutrient Values: Rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins A and C.
Note: There are few types of Night Jasmine Flower, make sure you get the edible type to prevent physical side effect.
Night fragrant Jasmine flower is golden yellow blooms which have many medicinal uses for ailments such as liver syndrome like hepatitis, abdominal pain and headache. 
Night fragrant Jasmine flower is golden yellow blooms which have many medicinal uses for ailments such as liver syndrome like hepatitis, abdominal pain and headache. 
Commonly this edible flora is used in Chinese cuisine to make into herbal soup or dishes as alternative healing for rheumatism, sluggish liver, clear eye vision, irritating eyes, red and sore eyes, depression, relaxation, respiratory tract like cough and sore throat, muscle pain, most important thing is that it helps in toning the skin in natural beauty remedies.
The flowers containing heavy fragrance, it posses aromatic compounds, its essential oil is used for perfumery, cosmetics or skincare, aromatherapy essential oil in beauty and health products, for food and drink flavoring, like scenting beverage e.g herbal teas and drinks. Yet the root of Night Jasmine is sedative and calming effect to relax the brain. Especially in folk remedies and some of the Chinese culinary recipe, fresh Night Blooming Jasmine flowers is cooked with eggs as natural remedies herbal soup.
Now, this Sea Bird Nest recipe gives a refreshing taste with Jasmine flora aroma sweetening soup, it tastes great when combined with Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed ~ Sea Bird Nest.
Ingredients A:
- 30gm of Sea Bird Nest
Preparation of Sea Bird Nest:
1. Wash and rinse Sea Bird Nest with running water, then soak in the water for 5 to 6 hours, intervals change the water every 1 hour.
2. After 5 to 6 hours of soaking and washing. Rinse dried, cut into smaller in size and keeps aside for use.
Ingredient B:
- Fresh Night Fragrant Jasmine Flowers
Preparation of Fresh Night Jasmine Flora:
1. Rinse and wash Fresh Night Jasmine Flora thoroughly, then soak in the water for 1 hour.
2. After 1 hour of soaking, rinse dry and keep aside for use.
Ingredients C:
- 1 Lo Han Gou
- 20gm of Goji
- 20 Red Dates
- Rock Sugar (depending on individual sweetness).
- 500ml Water
Preparation for Ingredients C:
• Wash Red dates and dried Longan and cut into small pieces.
• Soak Goji for 15 mins, wash dried and ready for use
• Wash and Smash Lo Han Gou into 2 - 3 pieces, ready for use
1. Bring water to boil, place in red dates, dried Longan and Lo Han Gou to cook for at least half an hour.
2. After half an hour of cooking, add in goji, Sea Bird Nest to cook for 5 mins.
3. Remove the pot from stove; add in Fresh Jasmine Flora to the dessert soup. Stir well.
4. Serve warm as Dessert Soup.
5. To serve as cold dessert, just keep the leave over dessert soup in the Tupperware or small containers, keep it in refrigerator and let it set as in Jelly form. (It tastes better after overnight in refrigerator.)
This herbal Jasmine Sea Bird Nest soup is good for treating cough to get rid of stubborn phlegm, stomach blotting and constipation cause by stomach damp-heat, as the Night jasmine flowers has the cooling blood and detoxifying the liver medicinal effect, good for liver-heat that caused red eyes and sore.
The aromatic fragrance of this flower is refreshing scent and has therapeutic uplifting effect, the essential fragrance is chemical complex with hormone-like, which can stimulate and perceived to our brain, as stimulant to activate the neurochemical e.g serotonin and endorphins are sending the message to our brain, and communicate with our body system, it help to change our moods and relief of tension, to give a calming and soothing effect for relaxation and refreshing. Its essential oil helps to ease stress and nervousness, tension and depression, muscle pain and cough.
With the combination of Sea Bird Nest it further promote healing to invigorating and moisture the lung, to maintain and rejuvenating beautiful skin texture, it is best with regularly consumption of this herbal soup and dessert for better result.
Note: Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed ~ Sea Bird Nest wholesale and supplies. In bulk or small quantity, washed and dried form of Sea Bird Nest is available. PM me ~ ongsenny@gmail.com
Note: Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed ~ Sea Bird Nest wholesale and supplies. In bulk or small quantity, washed and dried form of Sea Bird Nest is available. PM me ~ ongsenny@gmail.com
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Caution Disclaimer:
Please note that all the home remedies, traditional medicinal herbs usage are not alternatives for medicine. Although home remedies, alternative healing, natural healing or any alternative health articles are natural, all information I presented here is based on traditional usage and collected for informational purposes only. Results may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For severe illnesses, do not cease taking any prescribed medications. It is recommended that you must consult or seek your physician’s advice before starting any alternative healing with home remedies or herbs with caution.
Please note that all the home remedies, traditional medicinal herbs usage are not alternatives for medicine. Although home remedies, alternative healing, natural healing or any alternative health articles are natural, all information I presented here is based on traditional usage and collected for informational purposes only. Results may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For severe illnesses, do not cease taking any prescribed medications. It is recommended that you must consult or seek your physician’s advice before starting any alternative healing with home remedies or herbs with caution.
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