
Friday, February 17, 2012

Making of Sabah Snake Grass Capsule Filler DIY

Clinacanthus Nutans also known as Sabah Snake Grass (SSG), Yu Xun Cao in Chinese, (优遁草) is the most famous alternative herbs for anti-cancer in Malaysia now. It also has been proven with many testimonials that can cure many type of cancers and illnesses. Many peoples are very keen in planting Sabah Snake Grass in their home garden or backyard.

Due to the restricted custom rules in overseas, it has strict laws for import/export of raw herbs or herbal plants, which is prohibited to post the plants to overseas. So it is quite hard for those staying in oversea to get Sabah Snake Grass fresh leaves in raw form to make the herbal healing juice for better healing result.

I had received many emails requested for this miracle anti-cancer curing herb, but it is prohibited to send any fresh herb leaves by post to overseas. Some even trying hard to find and get this Sabah Snake Grass as an alternative healing so eagerly. 

Luckily now, we can find Sabah Snake Grass, Clinacanthus Nutans (SSG) in teabags, and also some homemade capsules selling in Malaysia and in the market. This is great news for those really need it as an alternative choice of healing, in capsules or teabag is much easier to send it by post to overseas.

Making SSG Capsule procedures is quite easy:

  • First, clean and air-dry the Sabah Snake Grass fresh leaves or with the stems, let it totally dried for a week or more.  
  • when it is totally dried, blend it into powder form, 
  • and then fill it into edible gelatine empty capsules. 
Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus Nutans) 优遁草 in powder form

Right here, I make my Sabah Snake Grass manually by hand filling.

Now I had invented this simple DIY Capsule filler for my homemade capsules. Something which is easy and cheaper way, this "Do it yourself" capsule filler board make my filling of herb powder into the tiny capsule is much faster in bulk quantities. 

 Capsules Filler Board

Making of Capsules Filler Board 

The material you need:

1)  A piece of wooden chopping board with the desired size and the board thickness about 1 inch.

2) Using a drilling machine, with the right size drilling holes bit, which is  just nicely fix in the tiny capsule size. 

3) Measurement of each hole (same as capsule size) and make the depth and each hole's distance in sequences  accordingly to fit in the capsule nicely.

4) Then use sandpaper for sanding its rough surface until it is completely smooth.

4)  Done....That’s it.

This is my cheapest DIY Manual Capsule Filler and quite handy actually. Have fun....


This herb  is mainly based on individual's health condition and type of illnesses for healing. When taking any anti-cancer herbs, or seek for an alternative healing cure, Please consult your physician or doctor before consuming any alternative herbal medicine which you think fit.


  1. may I know where to buy the edible gelatin capsule?

  2. where to buy this SSG edible capsule also.can u get in malaysia and which place is it.
    thank you

  3. Koko,

    Sorry I overlooked your comment, and sorry for the late reply. You can buy the edible gelatin capsules from most chinese medical shop.


    I think SSG capsule can be found in Malaysia. But I am not sure where to get it.

  4. I have been taking this SSG tea and it helps to reduce my uric acid level. Recently, a colleague of mine told me his dad has experience great improvement on his high blood pressure after taking SSG tea.

    I start recommending to friends with cholesterol, diabetic and skin problems. Most of them do experience improvements in many ways. I have also seen people around me with cancer benefited from this plant.

    I have been buying from fresh leaves and tea bags from Will 010 525 7782. I think his products are mostly available at organic shops. You may check them out at Delivery to worldwide should not be a problem.


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Caution Disclaimer:
Please note that all the home remedies, traditional medicinal herbs usage are not alternatives for medicine. Although home remedies, alternative healing, natural healing or any alternative health articles are natural, all information I presented here is based on traditional usage and collected for informational purposes only. Results may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For severe illnesses, do not cease taking any prescribed medications. It is recommended that you must consult or seek your physician’s advice before starting any alternative healing with home remedies or herbs with caution.

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