Saturday, December 18, 2010
Homemade Lemon Lime Kumquat Cha
Since after making the homemade YouZi Cha – Pomelo Tea(柚子茶) or Korean name it as Yujacha, now I am going to do another type of ‘Cha’ or Jam (Marmalade). Kumquat has the wonderful citrus scent to make into homemade soothing tea Kumquat Cha (金桔茶) for fighting cold and flu symptoms.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Alternative Herbal Soup for Postpartum Abnormal Bleeding
After child birth some women may face the lochia problem. Lochia discharge is postpartum virginal discharge commonly continues for 4 to 6 week after childbirth.
What is Lochia
What is Lochia
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Green Caviar vs Sea Bird Nest
This is the most beautiful seaweed I’d come cross with, it looks like green bunch of pearl in bundle. My Filipino staffs prepared this beautiful and delicious Sea Bird Nest plus “Green Caviar” seaweed healthy veggie salad for me.
There are many species of seaweed in our country and most common edible seaweed like Eucheuma cottonii ~ Sea Bird Nest and Eucheuma spinosum are known as red seaweed, and the green seaweed ~ Caulerpa lentillifera also known as “Green Caviar” which make nutritious and healthy dietary valuable to human consumption food.
All the while my recipes of making Eucheuma Seaweed or Sea Bird Nest come in dry form. Now I have the wet form of Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed, in cebu they called it as “Guso”, also known as gelatinous seaweed called agar-agar by cebuanos, in chinese named as San Hu Cao or Sea Bird Nest.
Guso is in lighter greenish in color, slimy in touch when in wet form with sea water fishy smell. Now the wet form of guso (Eucheuma Seaweed) and “Lato” ~ known as Caulerpa Lentilifera or “Green Caviar” to make the Filipino dishes in fresh vegetable seaweed salad.
What is Caulerpa Lentilifera or Green Caviar
Caulerpa Lentilifera or Green caviar is being used in Thailand to cultivate in the pond for water treatment in their shrimp farm. In Philippines and Japan used it as fresh vegetable and healthy salad, or decoration food.
Other than the wet Sea Bird Nest “Guso”, I like this “Green Caviar”, also known as Caulerpa lentillifera (Scientific name of Green Caviar), in Philippines they called as "Lato". It growth in zero pollution water as claimed, and pearly in light green color like a bunch of grapes looks with succulent texture. That's how the name of "Sea Grapes" comes from.
How is the Green Caviar taste like?
To be frank with you, its taste likes sea water if eating without a dip of sauce, taste a bit like other algae and slightly salty in taste.
How to Prepare Guso
Rinse Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed or Guso (wet form) with running water and clean thoroughly, cut into small pieces, soak “Guso” in the hot water, make it slightly soften, but don’t hold too long in hot water as it will turn its texture. Toss with the seasoning flavor like vinegar, onion, carrot, and tomato it brings palatable dishes and also protein rich food.
For your information, the strong fishy smell "Guso" in raw orm, taste is totally fishy smell and tasteless, but crunchy in bite. Compare to making in dessert drink, wet form of Eucheuma Cottonii seaweed needs other ingredients to add taste to it before you can consume it with delicious taste.
This Veggie salad is full of "Guso" ~ Sea Bird Nest and "Lato" ~ Green Caviar. the mixture of two seaweeds in a big plate blanch with lime, chilli, carrot and onion. Remember this, when mixed the “Green Caviar” can turns into good taste vegetable salad. But have to consume as quickly as you can if you mixed the “Green Caviar” into the salad. Usually the “Green Caviar” should be separated in another plate; it tastes crispy and nicer with dipping in sauce than mixing it.
Preparation and Cleaning Green Caviar:
Now, to prepare and cleaning procedure for this “Green Caviar” is quite simple, but not yet, we must know how the technique for how to clean to keep its freshness, and its nutrient content in good order.
Method to clean Green Caviar:
Rinse and wash with running water is common method. But through my experiences, and I learned from my Filipino staffs that, after using the running water to clean, probably passes one hour later it will become soft and turn to pale in color, it wilts and the feeling of bite is not crisp at all.
The best way to wash them in a bit of salty water or use the clean water (1 liter) to add with 50g of table salt to process to keep it crispiness in bite when eat.
The best way to wash them in a bit of salty water or use the clean water (1 liter) to add with 50g of table salt to process to keep it crispiness in bite when eat.
Sauce for dipping
It is very simple. Mixture of moderate amount of Vinegar or lime, chili and chili sauce, sugar, salt and soybean sauce, mixed well and done.
Preparation and how to eat:
1. Must be eaten raw, can not stand soaking in sauce immersion.
2. Separate the sauce and “Green Caviar”, dip them into the sauce and eat it. Such feeling in the mouth and brittleness will not change.
3. Dip Green Caviar in sauce, wasabi, salad cream, lime or vinegar with chili, the feeling in mouth rumble and trundle in bite yet so delicious. Yum!
Take Note:
- Green Caviar is very sensitive to cold, this Green Caviar survives in about approximately 20-35 °C, cannot keep them in the refrigerator and it will wilt very soon.
- After washing with water, it cannot keep for long period, wash and clean it by water flushing then edible immediately.
Its Health Benefits:
The Green Caviar is pH alkaline foods from the sea. It includes the rich fiber and the mineral substance, rich source of antioxidants and high content of photo-synthetic vitamins, e.g. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, minerals, fatty acid, amino acid, lipid, iodine, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and calcium, dietary fiber and more. The mucus includes the polysaccharide and plant sterols, it is said may have suppresses the cancer cell effect. So far the data of the nutritional value not yet available, even though this seaweed has been eaten as sea vegetable and fresh salad quite common in locally and famous in other countries like Philippines and Japan.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mugwort Lemon Grass Red Dates Wine
Herbs in culinary can be medicine and it also add tastes to our cooking. Other than that used of herbal to make herbal wine, enzymes or vinegar, making mugwort wine is quite an easy job. Again, herbal wine in holistic healing, more and more women are now become awaken on using herbal wine, tonic and herbal vinegar in rejuvenating, and give warming effect to promote the energy flow, and boost blood circulation to improve their beauty care ~ “the inner health and outer beauty”, to maintaining and strengthen our body immunity in keeping good health.
Mugwort is one of the famous women’s herbs. Do it yourself a herbal wine with mugwort is the best feminine food. Mugwort is commonly use as herbal infusion, in cooking for confinement food, making into herbal and fruit enzymes, or air dried the mugwort leaves, it can be air-dried as tea leaves or making into powder form as healthy drinks for convenient in keeping.
Mugwort benefits and nutrients:
Mugwort besides content of chlorophyll, it also rich in fiber, simultaneously have the massive vitamins and mineral substance, like vitamin A, B1, B2, C and the mineral substance iron, calcium, Phosphorus and other micro nutritive elements which enable the chlorophyll or other ingredient multiplication effect, therefore mugwort is most ideal food for natural healing, as a sedative herbs traditional to nervous system, medicinal usage to balance hormones to improve the woman’s menstrual pain and menstruation cycle health problem, as well as in treating infertility. It is a digestive stimulant herb, even good for treating malaria.
Mugwort ~ Women health
Since mugwort is the best remedy for women health, adding red dates and lemongrass to immerse with rice wine gives the warming effect especially good for cold feet and hands, the mugwort is famous Chinese medicinal plant which has the close relationship to women health. Especially to confinement women help to get rid of blood stasis in the womb, help to improves of blood circulation, reduces menstrual pain, also to regulate the menstruation cycles for those having irregular menstrual problem. After giving birth, taking this healthy mild tonic will strengthen the nervous system and boost potent energy.
By adding few stalks of Lemongrass to release its mild taste of lemony fragrance and citrus flavor, this therapeutic and versatile herb gives the stimulant effect to treat cold, anti-depressant, and expels excessive body wind, it works wonderfully to skin and nail, get rid of water retention during confinement, alleviates indigestion, reduces stomach fat after birth.
The ingredients, Red Dates, rich in Magnesium and Iron, its boost energy metabolism, as blood tonic ingredient adds medicinal effect to mugwort, and lemongrass, using the rice wine starter which allow the ingredients or herbal properties to draw out by the alcohol solution. Rice wine starter are mixed up and the immersion process to certain period, it becomes a healthy herbal wine which can be taking it solely as wine to drink. It is a slightly sweet bitter tonic, after 3 weeks or a month of immersion in the rice wine; it turns into sweet bitter herbal wine.
I reckon its therapeutic benefits are imparted from the herbs, or to those confinement women. Something for a change; mixing some of this aromatic taste of herbal rice wine to cook with chicken or chicken feet, or use the concentrated herbal wine to steam with chicken. Other than the taste is refreshing and makes the confinement food much more nutritious, for which strengthen the immunity system and help to regulate the menstrual cycle back to normal after birth.
Now ready to make your homemade herbal wine.
Ingredients you need:
- Mugwort dried herb 30g
- 10 dried Red dates
- Lemongrass 5 to 6 stalks
- Rice wine starter 1000ml
- Brown rock sugar 100g
Wash and air dry the mugwort, red dates and lemongrass, let it totally air dried first before use.
- Place all the ingredients into a glass jar
- Pour in the rice wine over it
- Cover lid.
- Let it immerse for at least 10 to 15 days.
Sip a glass of herbal wine before bed time, in additional, this Mugwort Lemongrass Red Dates wine may help to eliminate halitosis or unpleasant odor exhaled in breathing caused by digestive system problem. Have a good try.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Red Date Longan Black Bean Wine
Usually many Anemia people do not hesitate in buying high-quality tonic “to build” up the blood, some of the Anemia best food to make up the blood which can be obtained conveniently from home remedies or our own kitchen. To build up the blood, for Anemia syndrome with iron-deficiency, pregnancy Iron-deficiency is quite common. From the Chinese medicine viewpoint, no matter how they treat the illness or keeping in good health, their main principle has focus on “to be coordinated and to be balanced” the blood and Qi is related in alternative natural healing applied in Chinese Medicine theory.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Homemade Fermented Olive Black Vinegar & Recipe
Black vinegar is commonly used by Chinese traditional healthy diet for confinement in flavor boost. There are variety of black vinegars in the market. Black vinegar is made from whole grains like barley, wheat, millet and sorghum.
Drinking vinegar is beneficial to health. For easy to drink combined black vinegar with honey. It is recommend diluting vinegar and water with ratio of 1: 3 parts of water. What about adding some fruit flavor into black vinegar? Fresh Olive Black Vinegar is the best choice for you.... harvest season is the right moment for preparing pickle and ferment of raw Black Olives. Try to make your own homemade Olive Black Vinegar now.
Olive has the monounsaturated fats, polyphenols and vitamin E that help to nourishing the skin to support for healthy skin and mucus membrane, the olive black vinegar is good source of health foods and drink to women going through menopause, it helps to reduce hot flashes, also a beauty maintenance and healthy diet drink.
My home made fermented Olive Black Vinegar has the rich taste of black olive in sweet vinegar. I love the fermented Olive Black Vinegar added in my cooking series also my favorite seasonings, and thereafter, the fermented black olive is the healthy dietary snack. It is also widely used in traditional confinement recipe particularly Chinese cuisine, like pork leg or chicken feet serve in black vinegar with ginger. The acetic acid of black vinegar beneficial in improves blood circulation to remove stagnate blood in uterus after birth, it has blood thinning properties, to lower cholesterol level, that also increase energy level help in recovery and build and restore the energy in post-natal delicious healthy diet.
Simply Senz fermented Olive Black Vinegar
As raw or fresh olives can not be eaten right away and it is slightly bitter in taste. Fresh olives contain active phytonutrient compounds - oleuropein and phenol compound which also known as carbolic acid and organic acid. Oleuropein has the antioxidant effect. Olive is rich in Vitamin E, it also has the anti-inflammatory properties, which help to lower the risk of inflammation, and help in healing the damage wounds especially after birth delivery. It contains the nutrients of iron, dietary fiber, copper, fatty acids, amino acids and more nutrients to maintain good health for good energy source.
Although I am a Hakka heritage, and mixed with Teochew was my upbringing, at least I learned a few of other varieties of Teochew pickles, raw Olives are used as pickle or fermented olives black vinegar for the traditional postnatal confinement food in Teochew style too.
My previous blog topic of how to cure fresh olives with salt-curing, the simple recipe of making healthy Olive snack, simply add in soy sauce and brown sugar to accelerate the process in few minutes to turn raw Olives into delicious food (read here).
Making of fermented from the fresh olives into sweetened black vinegar, instead of using brown rice vinegar is quite simple to make it your own. Which is aged, fermented for at least 3 months, but I prefer to keep them for longer period of 6 months or longer. It produces excellent sweet aroma flavor in my home made Olive black vinegar. Ideal for cooking pork leg, chicken and dipping sauce for dumplings, a sweet and sour snack of fermented olive black vinegar for an extra dash of flavor, pickle olives or fermentation make the fresh olives more palatable.
How to make Fresh Olive Black Vinegar
1 kg of Fresh Olives
1 bottle Black Vinegar
1 cup of brown rice vinegar
½ cup of malt sugar
3 tbs. of salt (for salt-curing purpose)
1 bottle Black Vinegar
1 cup of brown rice vinegar
½ cup of malt sugar
3 tbs. of salt (for salt-curing purpose)
The preparation:
1. Wash fresh olives with running water thoroughly.
2. Soak fresh olives in the cold water with 3 tbs. of salt till it is slightly soften. (do not soak too long, approx. about 5 to 10 minutes, if not, the fresh olives will be too soft), throw away the salt water, rinse well.
3. Let it totally air dried.
4. Place all salt-cured fresh olives into a sterilize glass jar and fill with sweetened black vinegar, brown rice vinegar, malt sugar or honey to cover the whole olives.
5. Keep the lid closed.
6. Period of fermentation at least 3 months for making vinegar. The longer the ferment period is much better.
Take Note:
During fermentation process the lid need to be opened once a week at the start, to allow the oxygen to flow to enable the gases of fermentation should be able to escape.
Drinking Olive Black Vinegar:
Take about 1/3 cup of fermented Olive Black Vinegar, diluted with water. Drink it. If you prefer to add sweet taste, just add honey into it.
Teochow style of Cooking Olive Black Vinegar ginger chicken
- 1 chicken drumstick - chopped
- 2 cups of Olive black vinegar
- 10 fermented olives
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
- 2 tbs. honey
- 2 tablespoon light soy sauce
- 100g ginger slice
- 3 pips garlic clove, minced
- 1 tbs of olive oil
- 2 tbs of rice wine
1. Wash Clean chicken drumstick, remove skin. Chopped in small pieces.
2. Remove skin of ginger and cut in thin slices.
Cooking Method:
1. Heat pot; add 4 tablespoons cooking oil to preheat.
2. When oil is hot, add in minced garlic and ginger slices, stir-fry for 15 seconds til light brown in color;
3. Add in the chicken, stir fry for 3 minutes.
4. Add in light soy sauce, olive black vinegar, fermented olives, salt and sugar, stir and cook till the sauce lightly reduced.
5. Simmer in low heat cooking until the chicken is cooked.
6. Stir in rice wine and cook for 1 minute.
7. Remove from heat. Done and serve.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Milk Kefir DIY
The milk immersion with Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Kefir grains ~ 雪莲花乳酸菌 or mother culture is quite similar to the traditional milk kefir, it is the lactobacillus bacteria and yeast formation like kefir we made. It is said this can treat various illnesses. Although this maybe only the rumor as claimed, but this folk alternative prescription has been cultured for centuries in Tibet.
Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Kefir Grains 雪莲花乳酸菌母
According to the experts and scientific researches on this Tibetan Kefir Grains have made the appraisals and tested that this is one kind of Lactobacillus Acidophilus bacteria, at present can only extrapolate this kind of friendly bacillus bacteria, and actually is like yogurt Lactobacillus. This friendly bacterial also the microflora is found in fermented daily product which profits lives bacteria through fermentation process and turn dairy milk into yogurt or kefir. This Tibetan Kefir has a greater number of live microflora and beneficial yeasts than yogurt and common kefir.
Before I move on further, making of Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Milk kefir is quite simple. You do not need any yogurt maker or warm water in making this Tibetan Milk Kefir.
The taste is very mild, slightly sour, compare to Yogurt and Kefir.
The longer the period it turns sourer like yogurt.
It is rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B12, thiamine B1 , niacin, and folic acid.
Things to prepare:
- Fresh Milk
- Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Kefir Grains
- Glass Jar
The making of Xua Lian Hua Milk Kefir version:
How to culture Tibetan Milk Kefir:
- 2 spoons of Xue Lian Hua Kefir grains
- 1 small bottle of fresh milk
- Glass jar
- Clean cloth or Gauze
- Rinse the kefir grains, Use a glass container and fill in the Xue Lian Hua kefir grains into the glass jar or container.
- Fill in fresh milk (Not powder form).
- Use a clean cloth or cling film lightly covers loosely, to allow the air flow and avoids dust. Do not cover completely.
- Keep in temperature of 18º - 28º C is good; about 25º is optimal. It turns into kefir drink within 24 hours.
- Strain the Tibetan Kefir grains; use a mesh strainer to sieve the Milk Kefir into the glass or container, sieve to retain the kefir grains for next use.
- Drink it or store remaining drink in refrigerator for not more than 2 days. (it becomes more sour if keeping too long)
- Repeat No. 1 to 6 to make another milk kefir.
* Do not wash the Milk Kefir grains for the next use.
Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Milk Kefir is Done. 雪莲花乳酸菌
Take Note:
- If you want to make 2 Tablespoons full of Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Milk Kefir grains, the fermentation period is within 24 hours.
- If you need more to prepare like more than 1 gallon of Milk kefir grains, your culturing period maybe longer than 24 hours to set.
- Timing to set faster, it depends on the ration of grains and milk
- 2 spoons of grains + 1 cup of milk will be ready within 12 hours
- 1 spoon of grains + 2 cups of milk, the kefir will be ready within 36 hours.
The ratio:
- Tibetan Kefir grains-to-fresh milk ratio of 1: 10 should be achievable.
Culturing temperatures:
at room temperature or between 65ºF – 80ºF.
The Tibetan Kefir grains will continue to grow and multiplying more.
If you are lactose intolerant people, try to use soy milk to make Tibetan Soy Milk kefir. It grows well in soy milk.
You can keep it in frozen or give it to somebody who needs it. Anyway, the kefir grains can be eaten or mixed them into the cooked food.
The choice of making this Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Milk Kefir into delicious pro-biotic beverage, if you don't like the plain taste milk kefir, you can add some honey, or mix in the blender with the fruits of your choice to make into smoothies or yogurt drink.
Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Milk Kefir with honey and banana.
There are many benefits of taking it, to help boost your mood, it’s feel-good beverage, to coat your intestinal lining with beneficial microflora to populate your intestinal system for health. If you are Yogurt or Kefir lover for sure you can tolerate with this similar sour taste of fermenting milk drink.
In fact the Tibetan Kefir's lactobacillus enhanced by omni-directional protection to the body is complete. It boosts your stomach to improve your digestive system, then the effect is naturally simple, it has the advantage to intestinal and stomach gastric system by adjust in the human body intestinal tract's microorganism balance, which may eliminate the intestinal tract's toxin, this kind of effect to those who contracts with chronic stomach trouble is helpful, which is harmless to the human body, while immune system is stronger, this will naturally given enormous help to all chronic illness by improves the immune system and enhancement consolidated viscera.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Xue Lian Hua Kefir from Tibet
Nowadays the fruit enzymes topics are circulated around and still on, most of them are more into ‘how to make the fruit enzymes’, with various types of fruits to ferment home made fruit enzymes, garbage enzymes etc.
Now it comes again, another healthy fermentation food is stirring hot in the market and becoming famous through distributing and sharing activities in Malaysia and other countries.
Now it comes again, another healthy fermentation food is stirring hot in the market and becoming famous through distributing and sharing activities in Malaysia and other countries.
Tibetan Mushroom Kefir grains “雪莲花乳酸菌"
It is a kefir like of kefir grains, which has the Chinese name right here as “Xue Lian Hua Jun” ~ “雪莲花乳酸菌 or Tibetan Kefir grains. Xue Lian Hua ~ 雪莲花 in Chinese means “snow lotus”. That’s a thing it looks like “cauliflower” crumbled together when rinse under the running water. It is very easy to brew water kefir.
I got this culture starter grains from my brother in law, it was given to me with the instructions of how to make and its benefits, plus a bottle of ready made “living water” 活命水 extracted from this living organism for my consumption.
It is inexpensive way to produce your own fermented probiotics at very low cost and culturing it forever. It is probiotics and enzymes that the benefits is similar to those milk Kefir. It goes with the saying and claimed this Tibetan Kefir grains are from Tibetan lama. This has been used as Tibetan alternative medicine for thousand years ago.
Kefir and Tibetan Kefir is quite similar; the different is where its origin form. Before ancient, Kefir is from the Soviet Russian Caucasus area, Caucasus Mountains and Tibet, is where the "Xue Lian Hua Jun" ~ 雪莲花乳酸菌 comes from, both Kefir and Tibetan kefir grains are the probiotics, except the bacterium's proportion is depends on the environment factor, but both will contain the bacterium type is closely the same only the proportion will receive the environment changes.
It is a lactic acid probiotic food like yogurt and kefir, containing of lactic acid bacteria and the friendly bacteria. This beverage is the culture of Probiotic with the yeast living microorganisms that exhibiting some anti-bacterial, anti-mycotic, anti-neoplastic and immunomodulatory effects.
According to some of the online researches it contains the friendly bacteria and yeasts of:
Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus casei casei, Candida valida, Streptococcus lactis, Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus , Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus alactosus, Lactobacillus pseudoplantarum, Streptococcus cremeris, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Saccharomyces florentinus, Saccharomyces pretoriensis, Kloeckera apiculata, and Candida lambica,
Xue Lian Hua Kefir 雪莲花乳酸菌 or Tibetan Kefir is a fermented beverage which is combination of many different bacteria and yeasts with a matrix of proteins, lipids and sugars that living together and changed into polysaccharide grains. It is polymeric carbohydrate structures and it can be found from certain oats, and cereal. Polysaccharide grains as sustainable energy source to the body to produce a feel-good chemical in the brain to enhance the mood, helping people to feel happy.
• It stabilizes the blood sugar level,
• Melts away the fatigue,
• Improve of immunity system.
• Boosts liver functions,
• Improves intestinal health and prevent of colon cancer.
• Name a few, as well as weight management and used in skincare and cosmetic.
What are the benefits of taking “Xue Lian Hua” Beverage
It benefits the digestive tract system and can be surviving in the human intestinal especially to treat gastrointestinal tract, ulcer and gastric and other colon diseases. The researches have found that the lactic acid of this Tibetan Kefir fermented food provides good protection and prevention to against of cancer by long term consumption.
It also claimed that has been cured many cancerous cases, also this culture has been circulated around as “living remedy” in natural healing for Liver Cancer, that has the strongest and harmless natural antibiotic, also a natural remedy to against any allergy, it has anti-tumor properties speed up the healing of many other illnesses as claimed in the circulation list.
My personal experiment of taking “Hua Lian Hua” drink:
It taste and smell like “grape wine” to me. It is slightly alcohol contain. Not that bad to take it. The alcoholic taste is due to fermentation and its carbonate released, the longer it keeps and the alcohol taste is stronger, slightly sour.
Some may feel dizzy and the hot flushes all over the face and body, slightly with the feeling of warmness, as for me the feeling of my stomach is like a roller caster kept stirring uncomfortably for a few minutes, and warming effect inside but not that bad. Guess this must be my gastrointestinal problem. One thing I realized is my bowel movement has changed and slightly having diarrhea symptom on the first 3 days.
So to continue I completed taking a bottle of this wonderful “living water” within 3 days. The bowel movement has changed to normal. Then I feel lively and feel good, after all, not much of other side effect it seemed so far. Feeling fresh and my fatigue has reduced.
The amazing of this living microorganism beverage, is sharing "living water" by mean of doing charity like distributing, and sharing the grains or the beverage to other who may need it
The amazing part of it, these grains grows over time will keep multiplying more in each time during fermented. There after producing more grains, to get rid of the problem of overload with the grains, is to giving away as “gift” to friends.
The making procedure quite similar to “kombucha” 红茶菇菌”, was using the mother culture to produce the good bacterium solution for health.
You can also adding fruits to flavor like making enzyme probiotics drink, especially making young coconut water kefir is an ideal isotonic drink.
You can also adding fruits to flavor like making enzyme probiotics drink, especially making young coconut water kefir is an ideal isotonic drink.
"Xue Lian Hua Kefir"“雪莲花乳酸菌 or Tibetan Kefir grains
The fact this Tibetan Xue Lian Hua or Tibetan kefir grains have 2 versions of making it. There are water kefir and milk kefir methods.
From the version of Malaysian and Taiwanese or other countries, with accordance to what the instructions of Malaysia styles of making it, they using the ingredients of unprocessed brown cane sugar and water for fermentation process. The Taiwanese and Tibetan styles are using the milk for Tibetan kefir culture like making kefir or yogurt drink. It changes it into the living food.
On what the researches and online information, this Tibetan kefir is rich in Vitamin B12, B1, and Vitamin K, it is legendary health benefits for treating and prevention of:
1) Boosts immunity system and enhance of body energy.
2) Regulates and relieve of fatigue.
3) Cures Liver disease.
4) Helps to dissolve gall bladder and kidney stones.
5) Controlling of skin disease like psoriasis and eczema. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties
6) Treats inflammatory disease, it has anti-inflammatory properties.
7) Speeds up the process of healing bruises.
8) Treats Heart disease and blood cancer, cleans blood vessels.
9) Treats pancreatitis, gastrointestinal tract disease, gastric and stomach ulcer.
10) Help and lessens the side effect of taken pharmaceutical antibiotics, cleans the body from antibiotics taken.
11) To maintaining youthful skin, for internal and external usage.
12) Strengthen hairs and prevent of gray hairs
13) Lower High cholesterol, lower LDL cholesterol and blood sugar level
14) To improve and restore micro flora digestion system relieves intestinal disorder, improve bowel movement and alleviate constipation.
15) Treats malignant ovarian cancer, stops the growth of cancer cells
How to make Xue Lian Hua Kefir with Brown Cane Sugar and water
- 3 cups of Xue Lian Hua Kefir
- Unprocessed Brown Cane Sugar 1 kg
- 2.4 liter of Filtered water
- No metal utensil
- Plastic Mesh Strainer and spoon
- Glass Jar
You can start with small quantity first. Just reduce the quantity and measurement.
1. Clean the glass jar or container and air dried. Wash the Xue lian hua Culture Starter with filter running water. Strain dry.
2. Fill in the Xue Lian Hua Culture Starter into the clean jar.
3. Use clean filter water to dissolve the brown sugar and diluted into sugar water.
4. Use the plastic mesh strainer to remove and get rid of the debris or dirt of the unprocessed brown sugar.
5. Pour in the filtered sugar water into the jar.
6. Cover with a clean cloth and fasten with rubber band. It allows the air flow in to produce oxygen and let the Xue Lian Hua Kefir culturing.
7. Store it in the container for at least 48 to 72 hours. It depends on the fermentation process and the Xue Lian Hua kefir yeast formation.
8. After 72 hours, pour out the solutions and strain it to another clean glass container or bottle. Keep in refrigerator.
9. Drink it with empty stomach, in the morning or before going to bed.
10.Wash the Xue Lian Hua Kefir culture. Repeat the same procedure from 1 to 9 again, repeat the step without washing the glass container.
11.You may wash the glass container after the 3rd fermentation.
The charming part of it, after every 3 days, when washing the fermented grains, I keep this fermented grains rinsing water. It can be a natural skincare, as the skin softening for deep peeling, to brighten the skin complexion and lighten the spots on face and skin. And the best is to use as my bubble bath Aroma Softening solution for the whole body. The effect is as good as milk bath.
Recycle Tips: After rinsing the Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Kefir, use the water for
bubble bath gives you a refreshing and rejuvenating bath.
Rules and few disciplines to follow:
Fermentation period and how to store:
- Let it open without cover, just cover with a layer of gauze to allow the oxygen flow for fermentation process.
- Store it in a cool and undisturbed place
- Best to store at the room temperature
- Ferment Period: at least 24 hours to about 72 hours.(In my experience, I found the fermentation period at 24 hours taste better and less sour, and also less alcohol produced).
Take note:
How to care for the Tibetan Xue Lian Hua Kefir:
- When culturing with the brown sugar water kefir, it will multiply and producing more grains than the milk kefir.
- This Living organism is particular about cleanliness; avoid oil, and high temperature.
- Do not use hands or touch with hands, with any aluminum or stainless steel spoon to stir it, must use plastic spoon, filter utensil or implements. Metals utensil will disturb the growth of the microorganism, and damaging the living kefir.
- When the kefir is alive or culturing, during fermentation process, it will multiply more in ratio and depends.
Recommendation for consumption:
According to the instruction:
It should be taken with empty stomach for 20 days, then stop taking it for 10 days. But I had been taking it continuously daily, so far so good. And my preferable choice is to be taken before bed time.
Resting Period for Xue Lian Hua Kefir
How to keep:
During the resting period, wash thoroughly and keep the Tibetan Xue Lian Hua kefir in the clean Tupperware and freeze them in the freezer.
The live cell period of keeping Xue Lian Hua Kefir, not more than 3 months.
Before preparation (after resting period):
Take out from freezer and thaw it one day before culturing it, use a plastic sieve, and wash it under clean filter running water and non-chlorinated water, then culturing it in fresh milk or brown sugar.
My curiosity and wondering this amazing stuff which has been circulated to help others, not intention for sale, even though we have not seen the genuine plant seeds of it, it comes in “wet form”.
Moreover, if this is not so difficult to make, to passing on the goodness of its benefits, now I have duplicating the information, making it into bottling to distributing it, more to circulate it to those who may need it.
Seriously, trying any alternative natural healing please consult your doctor first. Do not base on my personal experiment. For sure, there are many other testimonials about this “Tibet Xue Lian Hua” kefir grains 雪莲花乳酸菌 has been circulating, and also publication on the local newspaper here in Malaysia and other countries as well.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Essence of Life ~ Porcupine Dates

For the past one week I had been away and spent my days in Hospital to look after my sick dad. The whole family is so exhausted and so hopeless seeing him in coma condition to brain dead condition. He was admitted Intensive Care Unit in coma and critical condition due to food poisoning and highly uric acid foods ingestion. The intestine containing e-coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria and which went into his blood, urine and brain cells. Plus his constants vomiting caused dehydration and lost of fluids. After heavy vomiting and the stomach acid have destroyed his esophagus becomes inflamed and sore.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Sea Bird Nest Orange Pudding
Sea Bird Nest in an orange. Have you ever tried Orange + Kamquat + Sea Bird Nest before? What if the orange comes with nutritious Sea Bird Nest, a refreshing Orange Kamquat mixed with Sea Bird Nest give you a low carb citrus delicious pudding dessert. (Know more about Sea Bird Nest ~ Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed here)
Let’s start doing it:
- 3 large Sunkist Oranges
- 3 Kamquat (Kit Chai)
- 1 bowl of soaked Sea Bird Nest (about 300g)
- 100 ml of Pure Orange syrup
- 2 tablespoon of rock sugar
- 800ml of water
Sea Bird Nest
1. Wash Sea bird Nest in running water and soak it in a big bowl. Soak in water for about 3 to 4 hours.
2. Keep changing water for at least 4 to 5 times within the interval of 3 hours. Till it turns soft and expanded in shape.
3. After 3 hours of soaking, rinse with clean water, drain dry Sea Bird Nest.
4. Blends Sea Bird Nest with Juice Blender into fine paste form.
1. Slide the orange into half.
2. Scoop out the orange flesh. Keep it in a bowl.
3. Keep the skin of orange to be used as Jelly Mould later.
4. Blend the orange flesh into juice.
Kamquat (Kit Chai)
1. Use the Juice blender to bend the Kamquat (kit chai) with skin. Keep aside for use.
Note: Kamquat peel gives the aroma of the fruit and it contains of essential oil and limonene.
1. Place water to boil.
2. Add in blended Sea Bird Nest and rock sugar till dissolved.
3. Pour in orange juice and kumquat juice, stir slowly till well mixed.
4. Cook for about 5 minutes.
5. Remove from heat. Spoon in the Orange Sea Bird Nest Pudding into the Orange Skin to let it set.
6. When cold keep in refrigerator. Chill and serve.
• Plain sea bird nest (without flavor) can be cooked and keep in container to set into jelly form. keep it in the refrigerator.
For Hi-Fiber Fruit Blend:
Every morning take 1 big spoon full and add into your flavor fruit juices. It is really good for morning fruit juice flush, high fiber contains and helps in digestion and weight lost program. (If you can tolerate with raw taste of sea bird nest, it is much better in keeping its nutrients and enzymes content.)
For Cooking:
• A tablespoon of plain Sea Bird nest Jelly (cooked and set) can be used to thickening a broth in cooking, instead of using corn flour or starch. It gives valued nutrients to your dishes.
Hope you can try it yourself and enjoy ! Simply Healthy dessert for you....
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Caution Disclaimer:
Please note that all the home remedies, traditional medicinal herbs usage are not alternatives for medicine. Although home remedies, alternative healing, natural healing or any alternative health articles are natural, all information I presented here is based on traditional usage and collected for informational purposes only. Results may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For severe illnesses, do not cease taking any prescribed medications. It is recommended that you must consult or seek your physician’s advice before starting any alternative healing with home remedies or herbs with caution.
Please note that all the home remedies, traditional medicinal herbs usage are not alternatives for medicine. Although home remedies, alternative healing, natural healing or any alternative health articles are natural, all information I presented here is based on traditional usage and collected for informational purposes only. Results may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For severe illnesses, do not cease taking any prescribed medications. It is recommended that you must consult or seek your physician’s advice before starting any alternative healing with home remedies or herbs with caution.
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